School Tours
Both Hispanic and minority students numerous barriers to become the first in their families to graduate college. The Department of Education has classified 41% of Black and 61% of Latinx students as first-generation college students. Without the parental guidance or college experience, it is difficult for young minority students to imagine themselves pursuing a college education after high school. To encourage Hispanic and minority students to earn a post-secondary education, the Hispanic College Awareness Program holds campus tours for K-12th grade classes. It is crucial for children as young as those in elementary school to gain exposure to the college experience as it encourages them to work hard in their academic careers and learn about more educational opportunities after K-12 education.
We conduct school tours for all grade levels, from kindergarteners to high school seniors! Although we primarily target Title I schools, we are open to conducting campus tours to all schools that are part of Mecklenburg County.
Campus tours are conducted by our very own undergraduate members! Students will be able to gain access to the college experience from UNC Charlotte students themselves and visit main campus sites such as UNC Charlotte's Student Union, Atkins Library, and more! To schedule a campus tour with your school, click the button below!
To ensure the privacy of your students, we request that you provide this Photo Release Form to your students prior to your campus visit! To locate this form, click the button below!